Podcasts for Real Estate Agents: Our Top 10 Faves

business mindset podcast tools

       Mindset and grit--  You have it in you and you just need someone to guide you, someone you can listen to each time you want to level up, broaden your real estate knowledge, and get insights and inspiration.

      There’s nothing like listening to experts share their experience and expertise through the latest trending method in broadcasting --podcast--and we want to share with you our recommendations of the best podcasts for real estate agents.

      You can listen to them anytime, in between driving to your open house showing, listing appointment or meeting a client, here are our top 10 favorites:

  Hustle Humbly Podcast

 1.  HUSTLE HUMBLY PODCAST- We love to listen to Alissa and Katy, where building confidence and finding your voice and way to be successful in the real estate business and beyond.                                    LISTEN TO IT NOW >>  Episode 145     


 The Voice of Social Sales

  2. THE VOICE OF SOCIAL SALES- Listen to Chelsea the voice of social sales! She shares her insights and social sales strategies that leverage Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Live Social Video.            LISTEN TO IT NOW >>  Episode 116


   Commission Queen: Manifesting in Real Estate

 3. COMMISSION QUEEN: MANIFESTING IN REAL ESTATE-  We super love to learn and manifest together with Bekkah Marie! Go ahead and listen to her for real life examples and tips in every episode on how to massively increase your income and find your freedom with ease.  LISTEN TO IT NOW >> Episode 24


  Empowering Women in Real Estate - The Podcast with Karen Cooper                   

 4. EMPOWERING WOMEN IN REAL ESATE- Karen Cooper is a pro and we love listening to a rock star agent, a positive motivator and she understands the unique challenges of being a mom and CEO.  LISTEN TO IT NOW >> Episode 156


 Badass Women of Real Estate 

5.  BADASS WOMEN OF REAL ESTATE- Listen to Sara Kalke as she chats one-on-one with industry leaders committed to providing content to educate, empower and inspire women realtors. Meet women in real estate who lead and have massive positive impact in their communities. Hear their real life stories of grit, courage and action.   LISTEN TO IT NOW >> Podcast Episode


 The Tom Ferry Podcast 

6.  THE TOM FERRY PODCAST- Who wants to hear knowledge, support, motivation and tools to succeed in business? We do! And Tom Ferry has all the detailed, in-depth and inspiring podcast experience for real estate.  Host and guest share insights and stories in a relatable and entertaining way.   LISTEN TO IT NOW >> The Tom Ferry Podcast


  Confessions of a Top-Producing Real Estate Agent

7.  CONFESSIONS OF A TOP-PRODUCING REAL ESTATE AGENT- Listen to Jennifer Myers as she talks about secrets to real estate success, from modern marketing and business strategies and the exact steps to get you the real estate business you always wanted.   LISTEN TO IT NOW >> Podcast Episode


 Socially Modern 

 8. SOCIALLY MODERN- Here’s another great podcast by Jessie Lockhart and Stephanie Mainville who gets just what modern women realtors want to know about modern social media trends and strategies!    LISTEN TO IT NOW >> Episode 064


 Real Estate Rockstar

 9. REAL ESTATE ROCKSTAR- Also a wonderful go-to podcast from Pat Hiban, one of the most popular podcasts will keep you glued to their episodes with each sales and commissions tips and expertise.    LISTEN TO IT NOW >>  Episode 1046


 Keeping It Real 

 10. KEEPING IT REAL- D.J  Paris, President of Sales and Marketing at Kale Realty, interviews veteran and  successful brokers and agent who shares difficult stories situations and how they succeeded.      LISTEN TO IT NOW >>  Keeping It Real Episode


   Awesome isn't it? If 10 wasn't enough, we have our "Honorable Mentions" too!                 


Is there a podcast you love that we didn't mention? Let us know about it.  We're always looking to add to our list of favorites!!


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