How To Schedule Your Social Media

facebook instagram social media tools

There are lots of conflicting strategies and methods when it comes to using social media but there is one thing that all experts, coaches & gurus can agree on... consistency is one of the most important pieces when it comes to your social media strategy.

As real estate agents our online presence can make a huge impact in our business but trying to do #allthethings every single day can be super overwhelming. 😭

That's why at the RealtHER Society we are huge fans of time blocking, batching & scheduling your content when possible!

If you're struggling to keep up and need some help automating your social media, then here are a few tried and true schedulers we recommend!

Facebook Creator Studio

Why we love it: Facebook Creator studio is free to use! (Who doesn't love a free option?) In addition, you are using Facebook's native tools which is what Facebook prefers.

You can schedule posts (both video and photos), schedule stories, go live, split test posts & more! Plus you can post to both Facebook AND Instagram.

Check out Facebook Creator studio


Why we love it: Canva is dominating the user friendly graphic market. Lots of businesses are already using Canva for all of their marketing and social media posts so it's comforting to know that you can do everything in one place!

Canva isn't just limited to Facebook & Instagram, either. They can post to Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Slack & more.

This is a great option if you already use and love Canva. You do need to have Canva Pro but it's with it's low cost & numerous features it's one of our top picks for real estate agents!

Sign up for Canva here


Why we love it: Planoly is our OG favorite scheduler. Not only is the branding on point but it allows you to upload your squares and move them around to create a beautifully curated feed. We realize this isn't the most important thing but it sure does help.

You can also schedule your stories, auto post to Facebook & Twitter.

You can create hashtags sets so that you can select and add to either your caption or have it post as the first comment on your Instagram. (How cool is that?)

Sign up for Planoly here




There are lots of options when it comes to scheduling your social media content but these 3 are our tried & true favorites! Happy scheduling!